Tag Archive | link

Gods and Heroes

Sorry I’ve been so quiet. It’s been a busy, busy six months, and it doesn’t show any signs of letting up soon. But I’m rewriting a section of the second Superheroes Union novella, and I’m still pushing ahead on Boundless whenever I can wedge an extra hour into my schedule.

In the meantime, have a link! Mr. Diaz and I have discussed how we relate to superheroes, especially superhero teams, a number of times. The comparison to pantheons most of us relate to as mythology always fascinates me. So the shirt of the day over on Woot.com amuses the heck out of me today.

Seriously, though, what’s up with only one woman in that pantheon? I know Wonder Woman gets all the recognition, but if we’re going to make her over as a classical goddess, surely she ought to have a number of sister-goddesses. *g*

Because Boys Fly and Girls Smell Spell?

And while we’re on the subject of putting women “in their place,” apparently Dallas Independent School District thinks that a woman’s place is not in the cockpit of an airplane, and is taking some pains to make them aware of it young.

I know this story is a little old, but there’s only so much stupid I can deal with in any one day.

Jan Brewer Recall Effort

She and the ultra-right-wing are trying to break unions in Arizona. And unlike when this was tried in Wisconsin, there is no exception for police and fire. Doesn’t anybody remember the busy deportation?

Anyway, she’s moving to kill unions. In response, papers have been filed in an attempt to recall her. Let’s hope it works better than the last time, which was tried before she made this anti-union move.

Science Fiction Romance Links

Just discovered these by way of The Yelendrian Empire, and since I’m always delighted to find new forums in which to talk about speculative fiction and science fiction romances and the fact that yes, they can be done well, and yes really, women read science fiction, I thought I’d share them with you all:

The Galaxy Express is a blog and centralized resource center for science fiction romances. I was particularly amused by their list of science fiction romance authors, which mentions authors who have written science fiction romances by decade . . . whether that’s how they would have described what they were writing or not. *g* It’s nice to see that big names have been writing love stories in space since long before anyone thought women read science fiction.

The SFR Brigade aims to advance the interests of science fiction romance, network with like-minded readers and writers, and have fun doing it. And just as soon as I find five free minutes and two brain cells to rub together, I’m actually going to sign up for it. *g*

The good news is, I just finished the first round of revisions on the superhero romance novella that Carina Press will be bringing out. I love my editor. It takes a damn good editor to make you add 12,000 words to a novella that was only 25,000 words long to start with and get you to like it. Now I can go back to being buried under editing, instead. And maybe even get some writing done sometime this month . . .

Bigotry 101: The All American Muslim Controversy

If you haven’t heard about this yet, what it comes down to is that a particularly bigoted group pitched a fit about the show All American Muslim, which I had never even heard of. And as a result of their fit, Lowe’s and several other sponsors decided to pull advertising. Now, I had read several articles on this, and I actually feel like I may need to stop shopping at Lowe’s as a result. But then Tara Lynx came up with a link to this clip of The Daily Show covering it.

I guess it’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Or at least, when it’s a moving picture with Jon Stewart, it is.

Anne R. Allen explains Amazon review’s in a nutshell

Amazon Reader Reviews: 12 Things Everybody and His Grandmother Needs to Know

Important safety tip if you are a writer or know a writer. Also useful for anyone who regularly reviews books on Amazon.com–I don’t know if the same holds true for barnesandnoble.com or not, but it seems likely. I’m all for not accidentally screwing anybody.

Generation X and Abstract Rejection Letters

Generation X Doesn’t Want to Hear It

Yeah, this about covers it.

In other news, I recently received the strangest rejection letter of my life. I’m no stranger to rejection letters–they’re part of the writing game–and they come in flavors from thoughtful and encouraging feedback to “sorry for the form letter, but your work does not fit our needs at this time.”

Except for this one. This one attempts thoughtful feedback, but it appears to be about somebody else’s work. I showed it to four or five other professional writers and a professional linguist because I was worried I had somehow dropped the ball in a major way on this story and was too close to the project to be aware of it. None of them can make heads or tails of the letter, either.

Oh well. At this point, not my problem. It still falls in the category “It doesn’t matter if I get nine rejection letters, as long as the tenth publisher wants to take it.”